miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


released by: Jefferson Sanchez

Disciplinary Tribunal of the Central Board of Accountants change of president: Now is a Certified Public AccountantBy: actualicese.com
7 CommentsPublished: September 29, 2010
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The practitioner Dr. Mauricio Spanish Leon was appointed since last September 23, 2010 as a representative of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in the Disciplinary Tribunal, replacing Dr. Giovanny Javier Chamorro economist who decided to resign his appointment. In the same resolution, the Minister is appointed as Chairman of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Central Board of Accountants as established by Decree 1955 of 2010.A very important news came last week when the Ministry of Commerce Industry and Tourism issued the new resolution 2820 of September 23, 2010 through which it named as its chief representative before the disciplinary tribunal of the Central Board of Accountants the practitioner Spanish Mauricio Leon. In the same resolution, the Minister is appointed as Chairman of the Disciplinary Tribunal of the Central Board of Accountants as established by Decree 1955 of 2010.As you may recall, Dr. Giovanny Javier Chamorro Ruales had been appointed as the representative of the Ministry before the court according to the above mentioned Resolution 2374 of August 18, 2010. When held the first meeting of the new tribunal with the participation of members representing universities accountants and democratically elected and virtually in July 2010, Dr. Chamorro was proclaimed president of the court.Although doing so did not violate the standards of paragraphs 3 and 4 of Decree 1955 of May 2010, it caused a widespread rejection among members of the accounting in Colombia.The Economist chose notGiven the turmoil that led to the proclamation as President of a disciplinary tribunal for Accountants, Dr. Giovanni preferred time resign his appointment as representative of the Ministry of Commerce before the Disciplinary Tribunal. Thus we confirmed yesterday Dr. José Hernando Zuluaga, representative of public accountants referred to the court:"Dr. Giovanni Ruales Chamorro resigned as a member of the Central Board of Accountants. I could not resign as President of the Court because there was never a formal appointment. What did the minister was then appoint the practitioner Spanish Mauricio Leon as Member of the Court and in turn President with the above resolution. "Then we are glad this new appointment is made within the Security Court which will lead to greater harmony to the inner workings of the self and its relations with the accounting community. And obviously we also thank Dr. Giovanni to have had the honor of having made this possible.The new court will operate until December 2013In view of the foregoing, and pursuant to decisions taken at the reconvening of the Court held last September 23, 2010, the Internet portal of the Central Board of Accountants and let see what the new composition of the Court which runs until December 2013They are the following public servants (see article 7 of Decree 1955 of 2010):CP. MAURICIO LEON SPANISHPRESIDENTRepresentative of the Administrative Sector of Commerce, Industry and TourismCP. BOLIVAR MARGARITA ROSA ROLDÁNVICE PRESIDENTACCOUNTANT GENERAL OF THE NATIONCP. ESQUIVEL MANUEL GONZALEZRepresentative of the Administrative Sector of Commerce, Industry and TourismCP. OSCAR ALZATE IBAÑEZDelegado the Director General of Taxes and Customs "DIAN"CP. LONDOÑO WILLIAM JOSE MURILLOSenior Fellow at the National Business Council RepresentationCP. LEON ENRIQUE MIGUEL PEÑAAlternate member of the National Business Council RepresentationCP. HERNANDO JOSE MARIN ZULUAGAPrincipal Representative of Certified Public AccountantsCP. ALFONSO ESCOBAR ISMAEL BARRERARepresentante Deputy Public AccountantsCP. AURA LÓPEZ SALAZARRepresentante Herminda Senior Higher Education InstitutionsCP. MARIA VICTORIA AGUDELO VARGASRepresentante Deputy Higher Education InstitutionsGeneral CHAVEZSecretaria YENNY RUBIELOS

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