lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Thank you so much

Hey buddies... how are you doing? This short message is to tell you thank you so much for your contributions and your highly enthusiastic participation....... Best wishes this coming Christmas

Best Regards

Jeisson Rodriguez Bonces

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


VICTOR AND MY GOOD BUDDY who writes JEFFchevere want to share a video to enjoy it and remember us, I also see that actor .. not English will be very good for the truth but I know someday we'll do .. and teacher that day so that we can expect a call.
Teacher to realize that we enjoy this life counters.
hope you like it ...
Att: Jefferson and Victor




My video talks about the ABC COSTS AND ALL ITS IMPORTANCE.believe me, For us is very interesting for accountants and any person as it explains very clearly all about the ABC costs, and teaches deficiniciones point so we can discuss and comment freely on this issue.
I invite you to see ...

Att Jefferson sanchez



Our History

hello guys soon, people know the history of accounting, but some time you have to think that there must exist numbers accounting for this reason I want to know about this video which shows a history. follow the link.

By: Javier Gutierrez

Inflation average for 2011 would be located in 3,17%

In relation to the Index of Prices to the Consumer for the end of this year, the consulted analysts considered an average of 2.5% which is going to have some impacts on the part of the winter big wave that are going to generate an increase in the price of foods for the rest of 2010 and during January.

The investigator of the Center of Investigación (CID) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ricardo Bonilla, assured that the Banco de la Republica is going to leave the interest rates quiet. “The Emitter does not have intention to lower them to fortify the economic activity more. Since it has come growing to decent rate, it is not going them to lower”, assured the academic one that indicated that the index of inflation for 2011 is going away to maintain in 3%, like to the closing of this year.

According to Marc Hofstetter, educational of the Universidad de los Andes, the Emitter is going to maintain its interest rate in 3% today inalterable. “Nonadvance payment that the Bank is going to modify it. In when to inflation for this year, we are going to close close to 3%, or a little underneath. In addition, we are going to be with inflation of 3% for the next year”, assured the academic one.

The sounding done by LR between the stock market commission agents, revealed that these do not leave the square of 3%. The analysts hope that the meeting of the Emitter does not throw majors surprises!!.

Sorry for the hour, Thanks Teacher!!

Andres Franko....