domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Is your accountant, false?

Is your accountant, false?

The Administrative Department of Security and the Central Board of Accountants, in joint activities, are conducting a research project, in order to establish which individuals have usurped the title of public accountant, practicing the profession illegally.

By virtue of the mandate contained in article 2 paragraph 4 of Act 43 of 1990, the Central Board of Accountants should complain to the authorities who are identified and as a CPA firm without being registered as such mandate is reason to be in the need to defend the interests of users of accounting services.

The joint work of these two entities, seeks to establish mechanisms to identify false accountants, acting inescrupuloPsamente in the labor market, hurting their actions to legal and natural persons, carrying out their business in the country.

People illegally practicing public accountant, in addition to questioning of the disciplinary order which is derived from the implementation of Act 43 of 1990, may incur criminal law violations, the Commercial Code and the Tax Code, among others, the conducting behavior of fraud, misrepresentation in its various forms, providing data or information contrary to reality, bound for public authorities, resulting in the application of financial penalties and imprisonment from 2 to 10 years.

Act 43 of 1990, provides in article 2 "Solo may practice public accounting people who have met the requirements set forth in this Act and the rules that regulate it."

Lord accounting service user, verify that the practitioner you hire is properly registered with the Central Board of Accountants, for that you should always demand Professional Card and valid certificate of registration and disciplinary record, issued by the Central Board Accountants, which will help to establish the veracity and validity of registration, requirements without which there can pursue the profession.


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