sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

in the 2011

something interesting that affects us all in some way or another

Unofficially the minimum wage to about eight million workers would rise from $ 515,000 to $ 528,000. Negotiations between employers, workers and government have already begun.

Already voices are being heard from various institutions on the topic of interest each time you close a year, the minimum wage. On the one hand, Anif says to maintain the real value of the minimum wage for next year only be adjusted by 2.5%, in line with inflation expected for 2010.

For its part, the Central Workers' start to 'fight' for an increase of 8%. Asking that the increase is $ 40,000 and not $ 15,000 as suggested by the Central Bank. The manager of this institution, Jose Dario Uribe, said inflation was under control and it is very possible that this year, the goal is met and that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) can be completed in about 2.7 %, as published in El Espectador.

Another who gave his point of view was the director of Fedesarrollo, Roberto Steiner, who recommended that employers and employees to exercise restraint when concluding a minimum wage increase for next year. He said that in the past 11 years the minimum wage increase has been above inflation last year, and in fact the wage has risen to 30% more than inflation.

The position of the working class

The President of the General Confederation of Labour, Julio Roberto Gomez, said that a week figure of 8% means less anxiety for monthly expenses, rent, food and education.

Similarly, said that the increase of 2.7% who think the Bank of the Republic is "blur of reality" because that would mean 15 thousand dollars of increase "and that money does not buy the food basket."

The Government has argued in several scenarios that the increase of the minimum for next year should be in line with inflation, otherwise it will affect job creation.

What Anif report says

Government, employers and unions should seek a balance of wage adjustment for 2011. It must analyze inflation, productivity and labor market conditions to adjust the minimum wage. This was published Portfolio.

The idea, according to the report, is to preserve the real purchasing power of most Colombian homes and avoid a deepening of the serious problem of high structural unemployment and informality that affects Colombia.

The minimum wage increases above what is economically viable would result in higher unemployment rates compared to current (11.5% average year) and informality (now is about 55%).


"It's not an easy process, given that inflation this year will be in the order of 2.5%, which complicates the negotiations. And began in earnest the struggle between business, government and workers about what should be the minimum wage increase in 2011 ": Rafael Mejia, vice president of the Business Council.

by lucy aguilera olarte

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