martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


To all the Public Book-keepers we Are interested In It

Let's defend our Profession.

Estimated Colleagues:

Nowadays the Project of Law deals in the Representatives' Chamber 171 of 2009 " By which there is modified the regulation of the exercise of the profession of the Economist and the Code of Ethics is adopted ". Whose referee is represents to the Chamber for Nariño Department. Bérmen Zambrano Erazo.

This project tries to assign own functions of the Public Book-keepers to the Economists, with which there are not known the rights that the Law 43 of 1990 I assign to the professionals of the Public Accountancy.

The project in his chapter III - Activities of the profession of the Economist meditates:

Article 7. Activities of the Economist it stipulates between other aspects the following thing:

20. Study and advice in financial, commercial problems and of accounting.

27. To report on the economic, financial, commercial, countable or administrative situation of the companies and / or entities.

28. As auxiliary collaborators of the Administration of Justice and to the effects of the Procedural Laws and without damage of the freedom that the same ones award to the Judicial Authorities or to the parts, the Economist's condition will be able to be needed become a member of association by professional matriculation, when they designate experts who should pass on economic, financial, administrative or countable matters of the companies, as well as for the administration or judicial intervention of the same ones or of participations in them, anyone that is his nature, the performance of the charges of inspectors in the suspension of payments when it is not a question of creditors' representation and for the signature of documents relative to the Companies that effect could supply in any jurisdictional organ, when for these they are like that needed.

The complete text of the presentation for the second debate, as well as the Article of the same one can consult it doing click in Presentation Project of Law 171 of 2009

We must highlight that the project was approved in the first debate in the Sixth Commission of the Representatives' Chamber, which indicates us that his course can be successful if we do not operate the Public Book-keepers opportunely to defend our rights.

For previous The Federation of Associations of Public Book-keepers of Colombia - CONFECOP invites to all the Public Book-keepers TO WHICH WE DECLARE OURSELVES in opposition to the project of Law 171 of 2009, good is directing the pronouncements the referee of the same one or sending them to the Federation to the mail:

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