lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Thank you so much

Hey buddies... how are you doing? This short message is to tell you thank you so much for your contributions and your highly enthusiastic participation....... Best wishes this coming Christmas

Best Regards

Jeisson Rodriguez Bonces

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


VICTOR AND MY GOOD BUDDY who writes JEFFchevere want to share a video to enjoy it and remember us, I also see that actor .. not English will be very good for the truth but I know someday we'll do .. and teacher that day so that we can expect a call.
Teacher to realize that we enjoy this life counters.
hope you like it ...
Att: Jefferson and Victor




My video talks about the ABC COSTS AND ALL ITS IMPORTANCE.believe me, For us is very interesting for accountants and any person as it explains very clearly all about the ABC costs, and teaches deficiniciones point so we can discuss and comment freely on this issue.
I invite you to see ...

Att Jefferson sanchez



Our History

hello guys soon, people know the history of accounting, but some time you have to think that there must exist numbers accounting for this reason I want to know about this video which shows a history. follow the link.

By: Javier Gutierrez

Inflation average for 2011 would be located in 3,17%

In relation to the Index of Prices to the Consumer for the end of this year, the consulted analysts considered an average of 2.5% which is going to have some impacts on the part of the winter big wave that are going to generate an increase in the price of foods for the rest of 2010 and during January.

The investigator of the Center of Investigación (CID) of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ricardo Bonilla, assured that the Banco de la Republica is going to leave the interest rates quiet. “The Emitter does not have intention to lower them to fortify the economic activity more. Since it has come growing to decent rate, it is not going them to lower”, assured the academic one that indicated that the index of inflation for 2011 is going away to maintain in 3%, like to the closing of this year.

According to Marc Hofstetter, educational of the Universidad de los Andes, the Emitter is going to maintain its interest rate in 3% today inalterable. “Nonadvance payment that the Bank is going to modify it. In when to inflation for this year, we are going to close close to 3%, or a little underneath. In addition, we are going to be with inflation of 3% for the next year”, assured the academic one.

The sounding done by LR between the stock market commission agents, revealed that these do not leave the square of 3%. The analysts hope that the meeting of the Emitter does not throw majors surprises!!.

Sorry for the hour, Thanks Teacher!!

Andres Franko....

Is your accountant, false?

Is your accountant, false?

The Administrative Department of Security and the Central Board of Accountants, in joint activities, are conducting a research project, in order to establish which individuals have usurped the title of public accountant, practicing the profession illegally.

By virtue of the mandate contained in article 2 paragraph 4 of Act 43 of 1990, the Central Board of Accountants should complain to the authorities who are identified and as a CPA firm without being registered as such mandate is reason to be in the need to defend the interests of users of accounting services.

The joint work of these two entities, seeks to establish mechanisms to identify false accountants, acting inescrupuloPsamente in the labor market, hurting their actions to legal and natural persons, carrying out their business in the country.

People illegally practicing public accountant, in addition to questioning of the disciplinary order which is derived from the implementation of Act 43 of 1990, may incur criminal law violations, the Commercial Code and the Tax Code, among others, the conducting behavior of fraud, misrepresentation in its various forms, providing data or information contrary to reality, bound for public authorities, resulting in the application of financial penalties and imprisonment from 2 to 10 years.

Act 43 of 1990, provides in article 2 "Solo may practice public accounting people who have met the requirements set forth in this Act and the rules that regulate it."

Lord accounting service user, verify that the practitioner you hire is properly registered with the Central Board of Accountants, for that you should always demand Professional Card and valid certificate of registration and disciplinary record, issued by the Central Board Accountants, which will help to establish the veracity and validity of registration, requirements without which there can pursue the profession.




The history of accounting is as old as civilization, among the most important professions in economic and cultural development, and fascinating. That’s right, fascinating! Accountants invented writing, developed money and banking, innovated the double entry bookkeeping system that fueled the Italian Renaissance, were needed by Industrial Revolution inventors and entrepreneurs for survival, helped develop the capital markets necessary for big business so essential for capitalism, turned into a profession that brought credibility for complex business practices that sparked the economic boom of the 20th century, and are central to the information revolution that is now transforming the global economy. Twenty-first century accounting will resemble rocket science and will continue to be among the critical professions of the new century. Accountants have not excelled in public relations, but their story is fascinating. And here it is.

There are no household names among the accounting innovators; in fact, virtually no names survive before the Italian Renaissance. It took archaeologists to dig up the early history and scholars from many fields to demonstrate the importance of accounting to so many aspects of economics and culture.

Accounting history is summarized in seven chapters. An overview places accounting in perspective. In some ways accounting hasn’t changed since Paciolli wrote the first textbook in 1494. On the other hand, accounting has led the information revolution. Many aspects of 21st century accounting will be unrecognizable by today’s professional leaders. Understanding the role of financial needs today and in the future requires an understanding of the past. The role of accounting in the ancient world is coming into clearer focus with new archaeological discoveries and innovative interpretations of the artifacts. It is now evident that writing developed over at least five thousand years—by accountants. The roles of trade, money, and credit also have long and complex histories. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of double entry bookkeeping. It was central to the success of the Italian merchants, necessary to birth of the Renaissance. The Industrial Revolution depended on inventors and entrepreneurs, not accountants. It is the survival of their firms that required innovative accounting and, later, the development of a profession. Big business, particularly the railroads, required capital markets that depended on accurate and useful information. This was supplied by the expanding accounting profession. The earliest of the Big Eight started in mid-nineteenth century London. Turn of the century America saw the rise of really big business, governable because of improvement in cost accounting. But the Crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression demonstrated problems with capital markets, business practices, and, yes, considerable deficiencies in accounting practices. Many aspects of current accounting practices started with the flood of business regulations from the Roosevelt administration. The earliest electronic computers were funded to assist the World War II efforts. By 1950 massive efforts were begun to automate accounting practices, a continuing process. A global real-time integrated system is a near reality, suggesting new accounting paradigms replacing double entry and generally accepted accounting

Paola Marcela Feo Osma

Ley 43 del 1990 codigo de etica profesional

 The code of professional ethics of public accountant

Colombia code of professional ethics of the accountant is regulated in the 1990 Act 43


Consequently, the accountant must consider and study the user of their services as a separate economic entity, relate to the particular circumstances of their activity, whether internal or external, with the purpose of applying, in each case, techniques and methods to the type of economic entity and the class work entrusted to him.

Observing the following principles of professional ethics in all cases:






Observations of the normative provisions.  

Competence and professional update.

Dissemination and collaboration.

Respect among colleagues.

Ethical conduct.



mayra alejandra piñeros roa

assets are economic resources,anything tangible or intangible that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value and that is held to have positive economic value is considered an asset. Simply stated, assets represent ownership of value that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered an asset).

liability is defined as an obligation of an entity arising from past transactions or events, the settlement of which may result in the transfer or use of assets, provision of services or other yielding of economic benefits in the future.

expense or expenditure is an outflow of money to another person or group to pay for an item or service, or for a category of costs. An expense is a cost that is "paid" or "remitted", usually in exchange for something of value.   




This is a case of great financial interest and the most talked about in the world of auditing.

by Lucia Alcala

accountants jokes **

An accountant is having a hard time sleeping and goes to see his doctor.
"Doctor, I just can't get to sleep at night."
"Have you tried counting sheep?"

"That's the problem - I make a mistake and then spend three hours trying to find it." 

**Why did God invent economists?
  So accountants could have someone to laugh at.
** What's the difference between an accountant and a lawyer?
The accountant knows he is boring.
** What does an accountant say when you ask him the time?
It's 9.18 am and 12 seconds; no wait - 13 seconds, no wait - 14 seconds, no wait......


Accounting comic strips


Business English Vocabulary

Yeidy Yurany Niño Torres

sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010

in the 2011

something interesting that affects us all in some way or another

Unofficially the minimum wage to about eight million workers would rise from $ 515,000 to $ 528,000. Negotiations between employers, workers and government have already begun.

Already voices are being heard from various institutions on the topic of interest each time you close a year, the minimum wage. On the one hand, Anif says to maintain the real value of the minimum wage for next year only be adjusted by 2.5%, in line with inflation expected for 2010.

For its part, the Central Workers' start to 'fight' for an increase of 8%. Asking that the increase is $ 40,000 and not $ 15,000 as suggested by the Central Bank. The manager of this institution, Jose Dario Uribe, said inflation was under control and it is very possible that this year, the goal is met and that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) can be completed in about 2.7 %, as published in El Espectador.

Another who gave his point of view was the director of Fedesarrollo, Roberto Steiner, who recommended that employers and employees to exercise restraint when concluding a minimum wage increase for next year. He said that in the past 11 years the minimum wage increase has been above inflation last year, and in fact the wage has risen to 30% more than inflation.

The position of the working class

The President of the General Confederation of Labour, Julio Roberto Gomez, said that a week figure of 8% means less anxiety for monthly expenses, rent, food and education.

Similarly, said that the increase of 2.7% who think the Bank of the Republic is "blur of reality" because that would mean 15 thousand dollars of increase "and that money does not buy the food basket."

The Government has argued in several scenarios that the increase of the minimum for next year should be in line with inflation, otherwise it will affect job creation.

What Anif report says

Government, employers and unions should seek a balance of wage adjustment for 2011. It must analyze inflation, productivity and labor market conditions to adjust the minimum wage. This was published Portfolio.

The idea, according to the report, is to preserve the real purchasing power of most Colombian homes and avoid a deepening of the serious problem of high structural unemployment and informality that affects Colombia.

The minimum wage increases above what is economically viable would result in higher unemployment rates compared to current (11.5% average year) and informality (now is about 55%).


"It's not an easy process, given that inflation this year will be in the order of 2.5%, which complicates the negotiations. And began in earnest the struggle between business, government and workers about what should be the minimum wage increase in 2011 ": Rafael Mejia, vice president of the Business Council.

by lucy aguilera olarte

Angela Gutierrez

Who believe in the miracle of Christmas Joy resounds in the hearts of those who believe in the miracle of Christmas! Wishing you all the peace, joy, and love of the season! Season’s Greetings!

Thank you teacher Jeisson Rodriguez!!!

The "BIG FOUR" - The four accounting firms - by Wendy Cuy

The Accounting Profession: Power, Pressure, Perfection and People

Since 2002, the accounting profession has been rocked by sensational corporate scandals and subsequent strict regulations.  The four largest global accounting firms (the ‘Big Four’) still have more challenges on the horizon.  All of them see their talented staff as the best tool to embrace these challenges and add the value demanded by clients.  Each of the Big Four believes their people are the source of their future competitive advantage.
But, most graduates who are recruited by these firms write the same exams, are affiliated to the same professional bodies and are overseen by the same external regulators.  The structure of an audit, the deadlines, the type of people who are recruited, the pressure and the opportunities are similar at each of the four accounting giants.
If talented people are the key to differentiation for each of the firms, why and how should they change and structure themselves in order to capitalize on this critical resource?  How can they each use their people to differentiate from each other?
In spite of the new networked, knowledge economy, increased regulations and changes to the profession, the organisational design and way audits are staffed and performed has generally remained the same.
Is it time for the Big Four to change?

The power of the Big Four
Ernst & Young, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Deloitte are the four largest accounting and professional services firms.  They are the global ‘Big Four’.  In 2007, they had combined revenue of $89 billion and this is likely to exceed $100 billion in 2008.  Together they employ over 500,000 people globally.
According to, the Big Four audit 100% of the FTSE100 and 97% of the FTSE350.  Recent research done by BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK revealed that investors would be concerned if a company switched to a non-Big Four auditor.  A third would then review their investment decisions.  Of those investors who expressed concern, they could not articulate exactly why they would be worried.  The reputation alone of the Big Four giants gives the public a sense of confidence and security.
Clearly, the Big Four accounting firms have created a powerful, global oligopoly.
Why everyone has a vested interest in the Big Four
An audit identifies whether the financial statements, prepared by management, are fairly presented and are a true reflection of the financial position of the company.  Audits provide vital confirmation and confidence to investors so that they can allocate their capital wisely.
The dominance and power of the Big Four has risen out of the importance of reliable accounting, which is the foundation of the commercial system.  They are perceived as the stewards of the integrity and reliability of global capital markets.  The integrity of capitalism depends on the integrity of accounting systems.

Why study Accounting History? by Wendy M Cuy S

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010



Ministerio de Hacienda y Crédito PúblicoDecreto 2271
Por el cual se reglamenta parcialmente el Estatuto Tributario.
El Presidente de la República de Colombia
En uso de sus facultades constitucionales y legales, en especial las conferidas por los numerales 11 y 20 del artículo 189 de la Constitución Política, y en desarrollo de los artículos 119, 365 Y 387 del Estatuto Tributario.
Articulo 1°, Disminución de la base de retención en la fuente: Para efectos de la disminución de la base de retención en la fuente de los ingresos laborales, los pagos por salud de que trata el literal a) del artículo 387 del E.T son todos aquellos efectuados por los Planes Adicionales de Salud, de que tratan las normas de seguridad social en salud, que se financien con cargo exclusivo a los recursos que paguen los particulares a entidades vigiladas por la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud, que impliquen protección al trabajador, su cónyuge y hasta dos (2) hijos.
Artículo 2°, Gastos en salud, educación y vivienda de los servidores en el exterior. Los servidores del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores que se encuentren prestando servicios en el exterior, podrán deducir de la base de retención en la fuente y en el impuesto sobre la renta, los pagos efectuados por educación primaria, secundaria o superior en establecimientos reconocidos por la autoridad competente del país receptor, los pagos efectuados por planes de salud adicionales a la cobertura que en esta materia otorga el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, siempre que dichos pagos se financien exclusivamente por los servidores en el exterior, así como los intereses y/o corrección monetaria o costo financiero que se paguen sobre préstamos para adquisición de vivienda del contribuyente o adquisición por el sistema leasing.
Parágrafo: Para lo previsto en este artículo aplicarán los límites anuales y demás restricciones que operan para la generalidad de los casos previstos en los artículos 119 y 387 del Estatuto Tributario.
Artículo 3. Deducción de los aportes obligatorios. < Modificado por el  Decreto 3655 de septiembre 23 de 2009 >El valor a cargo del trabajador en los aportes obligatorios al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud es deducible. Para la disminución de la base de retención en la fuente a título de impuesto sobre la renta, el valor a deducir mensualmente se obtiene de dividir el aporte total realizado por el trabajador asalariado en el año inmediatamente anterior o el aporte que aparezca en el certificado vigente entregado por el trabajador, por doce (12) o por el número de meses a que corresponda si es inferior a un año.
Cuando se trate del procedimiento de retención número dos (2), el valor que sea procedente disminuir mensualmente, se tendrá en cuenta tanto para calcular el porcentaje fijo de retención semestral, como para determinar la base mensual sometida a retención.
Parágrafo 1. En todo caso para la procedencia de la deducción, los aportes al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud son los efectivamente descontados al trabajador por parte del empleador.
Parágrafo 2. En los casos de cambio de empleador, el trabajador podrá aportar el certificado de los aportes obligatorios para salud efectuados en el año inmediatamente anterior, expedido por el pagador o quien haga sus veces en la respectiva entidad a mas tardar el día quince (15) de abril de cada año.
Articulo 4. Disminución de la base para trabajadores independientes. El monto total del aporte que el trabajador independiente debe efectuar al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud es deducible. En este caso, la base de retención en la fuente al momento del pago o abono en cuenta, se disminuirá con el valor total del aporte obligatorio al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud realizado por el independiente, que corresponda al periodo que origina el pago y de manera proporcional a cada contrato en los casos en que hubiere lugar.
En tal sentido, no se podrá disminuir la base por aportes efectuados en contratos diferentes al que origina el respectivo pago y el monto a deducir no podrá exceder el valor de los aportes al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud que le corresponda efectuar al independiente por dicho contrato.
Parágrafo 1°. Para los efectos previstos en el presente artículo, el trabajador independiente deberá adjuntar a su factura, documento equivalente o a la cuenta de cobro, si a ello hubiere lugar, un escrito dirigido al agente retenedor en el cual certifique bajo la gravedad de juramento, que los documentos soporte del pago de aportes obligatorios al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud corresponden a los ingresos provenientes del contrato materia del pago sujeto a retención En el caso de que su cotización alcance el tope legal de veinticinco (25) salarios mínimos legales mensuales vigentes, por la totalidad de sus ingresos por el respectivo periodo de cotización deberá dejar expresamente consignada esta situación.
Parágrafo 2°. Los agentes retenedores serán responsables por las sumas deducidas en exceso provenientes de aportes diferentes al contrato que origina el pago o abono en cuenta sujeto a retención.

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010


To all the Public Book-keepers we Are interested In It

Let's defend our Profession.

Estimated Colleagues:

Nowadays the Project of Law deals in the Representatives' Chamber 171 of 2009 " By which there is modified the regulation of the exercise of the profession of the Economist and the Code of Ethics is adopted ". Whose referee is represents to the Chamber for Nariño Department. Bérmen Zambrano Erazo.

This project tries to assign own functions of the Public Book-keepers to the Economists, with which there are not known the rights that the Law 43 of 1990 I assign to the professionals of the Public Accountancy.

The project in his chapter III - Activities of the profession of the Economist meditates:

Article 7. Activities of the Economist it stipulates between other aspects the following thing:

20. Study and advice in financial, commercial problems and of accounting.

27. To report on the economic, financial, commercial, countable or administrative situation of the companies and / or entities.

28. As auxiliary collaborators of the Administration of Justice and to the effects of the Procedural Laws and without damage of the freedom that the same ones award to the Judicial Authorities or to the parts, the Economist's condition will be able to be needed become a member of association by professional matriculation, when they designate experts who should pass on economic, financial, administrative or countable matters of the companies, as well as for the administration or judicial intervention of the same ones or of participations in them, anyone that is his nature, the performance of the charges of inspectors in the suspension of payments when it is not a question of creditors' representation and for the signature of documents relative to the Companies that effect could supply in any jurisdictional organ, when for these they are like that needed.

The complete text of the presentation for the second debate, as well as the Article of the same one can consult it doing click in Presentation Project of Law 171 of 2009

We must highlight that the project was approved in the first debate in the Sixth Commission of the Representatives' Chamber, which indicates us that his course can be successful if we do not operate the Public Book-keepers opportunely to defend our rights.

For previous The Federation of Associations of Public Book-keepers of Colombia - CONFECOP invites to all the Public Book-keepers TO WHICH WE DECLARE OURSELVES in opposition to the project of Law 171 of 2009, good is directing the pronouncements the referee of the same one or sending them to the Federation to the mail: