miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

When I was a baby ☻- Jenny Daza

My name is Jenny Daza, was born on August 17, 1989 in Bogota, in this photo was two years old, was starting to walk, I was a little girl, I used to a lot annoy my older sister, I used to make mischief with it, I used to play with dolls and my friends .... I didn't use to watch TV, but I liked seeing the Chavo del 8 .... I used to paint with my dad, I didn't use to drawing ,........ I used to live with my parents, I now live alone with my father because my mother died three years ago, I used to spend much time with her .. . I have always lived in Bogota, but we used to travel on holiday ...

In 2006 he finished school, I used to study in the SENA and now I am Technical Professional Accounting and Financial Management and thanks to this work in Maersk Colombia .... Now my next goal is conclude college and be a professional public accounting from the Universidad Central ....

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